Ian Lowde will be the speaker at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 17 December 2023 at 9.30 am.

Ian Lowde will be the speaker at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 17 December 2023 at 9.30 am. Led by John Howland, music will be provided by Joan Beech. Join us during this Advent season, then stay on for a lovely morning tea and a chat. There is plenty of close by parking and the main buildings are air conditioned for your comfort. #cherrygardensunitingchurch  #cherrychurch  #ianlowde  #johnhowland  #joanbeach  #advent

Ian Lowde
John Howland lighting the Advent candle


Children and Youth

Kid’s Klub for 7-13 year olds; Cherry Gardens Hall, on Main Road, every second Friday.  Enquiries cgckc@y7mail.com or phone 83882719.

Senior Youth Group: Contact Christine Manning on 82702594