Ian Lowde will be the Speaker at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 15 September 2024 at 9.30 am. The service will be led by Dianne Dyson and music will be provided by Kerry Schneider. Everyone is welcome to stay on for morning tea and a chat. As the church is being renovated, we are worshipping in the hall which has been made very comfortable.
Lynona Hawkins will be the speaker at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 5 May 2024 at 9.30 am. Led by Dianne Dyson, music will be provided by Kerry Schneider. There is plenty of car parking and the main property is disability friendly. Come along for the message and stay on for a chat over morning tea.
This Sunday is Uniting World Sunday. UnitingWorld is the international aid and partnerships agency of the Uniting Church in Australia.
The Uniting Church partners with the global church to address the causes and consequences of poverty, injustice and violence.
Because every person is beloved by God and invited to a life that is whole and hopeful.
#cherrychurch #lynonahawkins #diannedyson #kerryschneider #holycommunion #cherrygardensunitingchurch
Malcolm Uren will Speak at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 17 March 2024 at 9.30 am. Led by Dianne Dyson, music will be provided by Jo Powell. This is the 5th Sunday in Lent in the lead up to Easter. Do stay on afterwards for morning tea and a chat. There is plenty of parking and most of the site is disability friendly. The main buildings are airconditioned for your comfort. #malcolmuren #diannedyson #jopowell #cherrychurch #cherrygradensuntingchurch #lent
Rex Griswood will speak at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 25 February at 9.30 am. Led by Dianne Dyson, music will be provided by Joan Beech. Come to hear Rex speak, then stay on for morning tea and a chat. There is plenty of parking and the main buildings are disability friendly.
Wendy Perkins will be the speaker on Sunday 7 January 2023 at 9.30 am. Led by Dianne Dyson, music will be provided by Kerry Schneider. Come along for the service and stay on for morning tea and chat. If there is rain, passengers can be dropped off at the under cover lytch gate. #wendyperkins #diannedyson #kerryschneider #cherrychurch #cherrygardensunitingchurch
Join us at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Christmas Day, 25 December 2023 at 9.30 am. Led by Dianne Dyson, this will be a service of carols and readings with participation from many in the congregation. Bring children and grand children for the special children’s talk by Jenny Howland. Music will be provided by Craig Milne. A lovely morning tea will be provided for everyone who is able to stay on for a while after the service. There is plenty of car parking close to the church and the main buildings are airconditioned.