Tony Lohmeyer will be the speaker at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 26 May 2024 at 9.30 am

Tony Lohmeyer will be the speaker at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 26 May 2024 at 9.30 am. Led by Ruth Work, music will be provided by Craig Milne. Tony has spent a career in civil aviation in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand. A member of the ministry team at Coro Uniting, Tony is well known to us at Cherry Church. Please come to hear Tony’s message and stay on for a chat over morning tea.

Tony Lohmeyer
Ruth Work

#tonylohmeyer#ruthwork #craigmilne #cherrychurch #cherrygardensuntingchurch

Reverend Ashley Davis will preach at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Easter Sunday, March 31 2024 at 9.30 am

Reverend Ashley Davis will preach at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Easter Sunday, March 31 2024 at 9.30 am. Led by Ruth Work, music will be provided by John Penberthy. Come and celebrate the risen Lord. We will have morning tea for everyone and there is plenty of car parking. The buildings are disability friendly and air conditioned. #reverendashleydavis #ruthwork #johnpenberthy #cherrychurch #cherrygardensuntingchurch #eastersunday

Reverend Ashley Davis
Ruth Work