Neil McIntosh will speak at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church on Sunday 2 October 2022 at 9.30 am. Led by Ruth Work, music will be provided by John Penberthy. Everyone is most welcome to stay on for morning tea and a chat afterwards. There is plenty of parking and a disability friendly building.
Dr. Neil McIntosh is married to Fay and was Emeritus Consulting Surgeon at Flinders Medical Centre (F.M.C.), having worked there since it opened in 1976. He trained in Adelaide and London, and has practised in F.M.C. and South Terrace till retirement in June 2008. He has been a Lay Preacher in the Methodist Church, and in the Uniting Church since union, and is a member of the Coromandel Valley Uniting Church. He talks blending his experience in medicine and surgery and how it impacts on his Christian beliefs. With such a long career in the field of surgery, there are experiences he witnessed of enormous adversity faced by some people that have only strengthened his conviction.