Sandra Scott will speak at Cherry Gardens Uniting Church at 9.30 am on Sunday 16 October 2202. Led by Dianne Dyson, music will be provided by Joan Beech. Following the service in the grounds, there will be a tree planted as part of the Treeilee recognising the late Queen Elizabeth II jubilee year. Provided and planted by the Cherry Gardens Garden Club, a lovely community morning tea will follow. There is plenty of parking and full disability access to the building.
Sandra is currently working with Christian Schools Australia (CSA) and Association of Christian Schools international (ACSI) as Executive Officer: International Partnerships and Service, with a focus on connection with and support for Christian educators in the Asia-Pacific region. Adjunct Liaison Officer Tabor Adelaide: student teacher placements and assessment. Experienced Executive Officer and School Leader with a demonstrated history of school improvement, supporting emerging leaders and biblically-based policy development. Skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, teaching and learning , Professional Development seminars, authentic Christ-focused Curriculum Development.
B.A. (Maths/Geog), Grad Dip T (Secondary), M.Ed (Christian school leadership and curriculum).